Home > Message from the President > Message from the ASPMA President

Message from the ASPMA President

lisaHello and Happy Spring to you all.

As I was running my errands this Saturday morning in heaving traffic, I was able to take in the beautiful cherry tree blossoms on that line the streets. This is one of my favorite times of year here in Washington State. They are so beautiful. This will be my last message to all of you as your ASPMA President.

The time has flown by so fast. I can’t believe my term is over. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of such a great association. I have learned so much! It was been great to be able to lecture in both Boston and Chicago. What a joy to be a part of the education of our assistants. I look forward to still being a part of this association for many years to come.

Have a wonderful spring,


Lisa Crouch, PMAC

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